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Learn the Label Language

Learn the label language:

One of the best ways to find healthy products is to check food labels. Here are some terms to

look for when choosing low-sodium, lowfat, and low-calorie items:



Sodium free or salt free Less than 5 milligrams per serving

Very low sodium 35 milligrams or less per serving

Low sodium 140 milligrams or less per serving

Low sodium meal 140 milligrams or less per 3.5 oz. (100 grams) Reduced or less sodium At least 25% less sodium than the regular version Light in sodium Half the sodium of the regular version

Unsalted or no salt added No salt added to the product during processing


Fat free Less than 0.5 grams per serving

Low saturated fat 1 gram or less per serving

Lowfat 3 grams or less per serving

Reduced fat At least 25% less fat than the regular version

Light in fat Half the fat of the regular version


Calorie free Less than 5 calories per serving

Low calorie 40 calories or less per serving

Reduced calorie At least 25% fewer calories than the regular version

Light or lite Half the fat or 1/3 of the calories of the regular version

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