
Hiking Yoga Private Event $25.00 deposit Plus $5.00 per person

Hike on your own schedule.  Hiking and yoga private event $25.00 deposit, plus $5.00 per person with the balance due on the day of the event.  Includes picnic area by a private pond.  Private yoga hikes are very popular for birthdays, bachelorette parties, family or friend reunions and many other special occasions. Call today to schedule your party. Subject to weather conditions.

Price: $25.00

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LiveStream Yoga Single Session @ 5:30pm

Must be purchase 1 hour prior to the class

How to join us:

– Purchase your individual class.
– We will send everyone who signs up a link to Zoom so you can join into class.

  • Must be logged in 5 minutes before the start of class

Price: $12.00

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LiveStream Yoga Unlimited Monthly Access Tues/Thurs 5:30pm

Tuesday and Thursday  5:30pm -for only $40.00 per month

You must join the class 5 minutes before start time.

How to join us:

– Purchase your month of classes 1 Hour prior to class
– We will send everyone who signs up a link to Zoom so you can join into class.

I’ll continue to work incredibly hard to bring you some awesome online content to keep your body moving and your mind healthy and strong

Price: $40.00

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Chandor Gardens In Studio Yoga Class

Join me at Chandor Gardens 711 W. Lee Single Sessions

Tuesday or Thursday @ 5:30pm

$15.00 each session

Call for availability

LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE – Reservations are required

Six feet of distancing will be required when entering and leaving the building.
We will no longer provide any yoga props such as towels, mats, blocks etc.
Hand sanitizing is encouraged before entering the studio.

Price: $15.00

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Chandor Gardens In Studio Unlimited Yoga

Join me at Chandor Gardens 711 W. Lee Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30pm

Only $65.00 per month

Reservation confirmations are required

For persons with unlimited Studio Classes your space will automatically be reserved until 5 hours before class.  If you do not confirm that days reservation, by the required deadline your space will become by availability only.  Confirm your reservation  via text or phone call 817-597-1503.

Six feet of distancing will be required when entering and leaving the building.
We will no longer provide any yoga props such as towels, mats, blocks etc.
Hand sanitizing is encouraged before entering the studio.

Price: $65.00

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