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More Healthy Food You Should Include


Protein: Protein boosts the immune system, creates neurotransmitters, builds muscle mass.

Quinoa: A plant seed that is a nature’s superfood! It contains all essential amino acids required to build muscles and repair body tissue. Contains magnesium to relax muscles and lower blood pressure. Excellent source of minerals acting as antioxidants to rid body of cancer and disease causing substances. Helps reduce headaches and migraines.

Asparagus: Asparagus is rich in protein. It’s also a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin, and folic acid.

Beans: Beans contain calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, and alpha-linolenic acid. They are proven to help in the fight against cancer. Beans are high in protein, beneficial to those with diabetes, helps lower cholesterol, promotes normal activity of liver and pancreas, helps relieve rheumatism and gout. They are also beneficial for anemia, hypoglycemia, thyroid ailments, diabetes, skin problems and those who are overweight.

Beets: Beets are an excellent blood builder and body cleanser. They are a great source of amino acids and Vitamins A, C and B6.

Bell Peppers: Bell peppers are rich in silicon, which nourishes your hair and nails. They are helpful for skin blemishes, colic and annoying flatulence. This type of pepper is also shown to prevent clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Broccoli: Broccoli is high in Vitamins A, B, C, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, B-complex and protein. It is is rich in the cancer-fighting substance DIM and aids in detoxification.

Brussels Sprouts: Brussel sprouts are high in Vitamins A, B, C, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, B-complex and protein. When eaten raw, they are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also aid in detoxification and work as a cancer fighter.

Cabbage: Cabbage is a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-complex, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is an effective laxative. Cabbage has been known to improve stomach ulcers, heal the skin and remove toxins from the body.

Carrots: Carrots are one of the best sources of beta-carotene. They also contain Vitamins B, C, D, E and K, calcium phosphorus, potassium, and organic sodium. Carrots are excellent for the skin, hair and nails. They stimulate digestion and help the body get rid of excess water. Carrots also have a tonic effect on the liver and aid in cleansing the liver.

Cauliflower: Cauliflower contains Boron, which helps in the fight against osteoporosis. It has similar benefits to cabbage.

Celery: Celery is rich in Vitamins A, C, B-complex, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, iron and sodium. It aids in regularity and is a good nerve tonic. It also is useful in lowering blood pressure and normalizing the body temperature during summer months. Celery contains organic sodium, which is essential to the proper functioning of the major body systems.

Cucumber: Cucumbers combat toxins in the body. They are a great energy source for muscles and nerves, fight infection, calm anxiety, promote urinary flow. Cucumbers are also helpful for arthritis, cramps, indigestion, anemia, constipation, gout and rheumatism.

Ginger: Ginger is an excellent carminative—a substance that promotes the elimination of intestinal gas. Ginger relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract and helps to relieve nausea and vomiting.

Kale: Kale improves the blood’s ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. It is one of the best suppliers of nutrition for the eyes and has more calcium ounce for ounce than milk.

Lettuce: Lettuce aids normal elimination. It is a natural sedative and is helpful for insomnia. It’s also used in the prevention of hair loss and nervous problems. Lettuce also helps with the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are rich in Vitamins C and D, folic acid, pantothenic acids and phosphorus. They help fight bacteria and aid in stopping further development of blood vessels for tumor growth, apoptosis for cancer cells.

Onions: Onions are rich in vitamin C, copper and iron, as well as sulfur (major detoxification pathway), calcium and phosphorus.

Parsley: Parsley promotes normal digestion and urination and eliminates uric acid. It is helpful for anemia, arthritis, bladder problems, female endocrine problems, kidney problems, liver problems, prostate problems and urinary tract problems.

Radishes: Radishes are rich in iron and magnesium. They help stimulate the appetite and digestion by having an antiseptic effect on the intestinal tract. The high sulfur content tones the bloodstream and keeps it fresh and clean. Radishes heal and soothe the mucous membranes. They promote gall bladder function, stimulate respiration and calm the nerves. They are helpful for asthma, lung problems, thyroid disorders, eczema and sinus problems.

Romaine Lettuce: Romaine lettuce is one of the most nutritious types of lettuce. It aids normal elimination, acts as a sedative, is helpful for insomnia, hair loss and nervous problems. It also helps with the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Spaghetti Squash: Spaghetti squash is high in beta-carotene, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent atherosclerosis. It also supports blood sugar regulation.

Spinach: Spinach contains twice as much iron as most other greens. It is a strong protector against cancer. It also restores energy, increases vitality and improves the quality of the blood.

Sweet Potatoes & Yams: Sweet potatoes and yams are exceptionally rich in carotenes. They are also an excellent source of Vitamin C, calcium and potassium.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are full of nutrition. Red tomatoes have up to 4 times the amount of beta-carotene as green tomatoes. They are an excellent supply of Vitamin C, carotenes and potassium, but may aggravate arthritis in some individuals. Tomatoes have more nutrients than an apple which has more than 500!

Turnip Greens: Turnip greens improve the blood’s ability to carry oxygen around the body. They are one of the best suppliers of nutrition for the eyes. Turnip greens also have more calcium ounce for ounce than milk.

Zucchini: Zucchini contains Vitamin C and Lutein, which promotes eye health. Zucchini helps to lower high homocysteine levels.

Zucchini Squash: Zucchini squash helps cure asthma, as it contains Vitamin C—a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. Zucchini squash can also help prevent the risk of having multiple sclerosis.

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